Monday, January 5, 2009

World of SmallWorlds needs more writers!

World of SmallWorlds is currently in need of more writers. SmallWorlds has many features to offer and I can only cover so many of them. I wont make a long speech but here are the basics,

Positions available:
-Event Writer "For a party or weddings etc"
-Mission Writer "Write about popular missions and tips and tricks on them"
-Extra Writer "Fill in when needed and help us make the blog even better"

To apply for these jobs please post here or contact me in game.

You will not get payed but I am a nice person when it comes to tokens *wink wink* You also get the satisfaction that you helped contribute and bring information to SmallWorlds fans from all over the world.

-SW Name:
-Game experience:
-Position Apllying for:
-How long have you played SW?
-Why should you get this position and what can you contribute? (Paragraph format)

Good luck and I hope I get some responses.


  1. Here is my information

    -SW Name:Sugar Pie

    -Game experience: 5 months experienced player

    -Position Applying for: Mission Writer

    -How long have you played SW?- From September

    -Why should you get this position and what can you contribute?
    Well, i have joined smallworlds in September and i think i can give some the newbies of smallworlds some of the useful information on missions like tips and tricks.

  2. HI Jake Snipes, i wanted to say thank you for your excellent commitment to this amazing site.

    My information is:
    SW name: Sugar Porter

    Game experience: 21 Skilled Gamer

    Position Applied for: Event Writer.

    How long have you played SW?: Since December

    Why should you get this position and what can you contribute?
    --- I think i should be given this position because i am an excellent writer. I took a creative writing class in the summer of 2003, and i have been writing creatively since the age of 13. I think i can add, adventure, fun, romance and intrigue to the blogs of SW. I can contribute to this blog by providing help to those that need help, by abiding all posted and unposted rules, and be the best SW citizen i possibly could be.
