If you are not sure what SmallWorlds is, SmallWorlds is a new online MMOG that is revolutionizing the world of online games. With it's amazing graphics and picture perfect quality you actually feel like your in the game. If you love online games and massive social communities I strongly suggest you check it out.
-The Official website may be found here, www.smallworlds.com
Over the next week or so I will be working on setting this blog up and preparing it for frequent updates whenever Small Worlds is updated or there are issues to be discussed. I also plan on setting up some forums later on after I am more established on the blog. I will be bringing news about new items, events, updates, places, people and so much more so be sure to check back in soon.
A little about me.
I started playing SmallWorlds in mid November and have been hooked ever since. I think it’s an amazing game and even the items and accessories you can have being a non VIP are amazing and everyone has something to look forward to in the game. The company is very considerate and is always there to make the game the best it can be for SmallWorlds citizens. I have a night club on the game called Insanity Night Club if you ever want to check it out. Anyway like I said before I am exited to start blogging about the game and I will do my best, suggestions are always welcome and you will see a lot more of me around here :)
-Jake Snipes
SmallWorlds Blogger.
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