Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Years!

Friday, December 25, 2009
Hello Bloggers!

Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas and the Cue Club!

Sorry.. again!
Jake Snipes
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Sorry about being absent.
I thank everyone for their support and I am sorry I let you down.
Wohooo I'M BACK :D
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Our blog blogged in a blog? That's a whole lot of bloggage!

I am sorry for some inactivity lately but I am glad to announce I have my drivers permit :D Here is a recent update! World of SmallWorlds was blogged in a blog? That’s right ladies and gentlemen we have a whole lot of bloggage going down (I invented that word :P). The official SmallWorlds blog released today 1/27/09 was all about SW fan sites. One of the things I really enjoy about SmallWorlds is how they are pretty interactive in the everyday lives of their citizens. The way they promote players, activities, events and more makes it an unexplainable experience.
I would like to thank all the fans of World of SmallWorlds. I wouldn’t be blogging if I didn’t have people interested in reading and learning new things about SW. You guys are the best and I hope on seeing even more fans come to this blog. Soon we will have one or even multiple new writers thus making this blog an even more enjoyable experience. Some features and all where missed but it’s a new year and my goal in 2009 is to cover most or all of the releases on SmallWorlds. Once again thanks for being fans and I plan on big things in the future.
If you would like to see the official article on the SW Blog here is the link> http://blog.smallworlds.com/2009/01/27/whos-blogging-smallworlds/
SmallWorlds Blogger
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Item of the Month, Chinese Dragon. (January 2009)

But there is more to the item than just the looks. It’s to celebrate the Chinese New Year. What is the Chinese New Year you ask? The Chinese New Year starts with the New Moon on the first day of the new year and ends 15 days later on a full moon. It’s a time of coming together as a family and thanksgiving. They often hold religious ceremonies in honor of Heaven and Earth. Ceremonies are held to the gods that they believe in, and sacrifices are giving to rememb

Some statistics etc are posted on the item. It really doesn’t have very many bonuses but it look really sweet. If you walk into a room with the Chinese Dragon Suit you will definitely make an impression. Like the official SW blog said "Many people are attracted to the design and allure of these majestic creatures, which can symbolize empowerment, beauty, wisdom, freedom, or a fire within oneself." The dragon is a symbol to people in China and other countries. So even though it just looks like a dragon to us it can mean so much more to others.
So there is a little history on the Chinese New Year, usually the item of the month has something to do with that month. Last month’s was a snow fox which suited well because it was December th

Head over to Mysterio's and pick one up, it costs 2,000 Gold. Just so everyone knows you can not buy the Item of the Month in Tokens, they only accept gold. It's the second monthly collectable and will be worth a ton later on just as any Item of the Month so all you collecters might want to make an investment.
Untill the next Item of the Month,
SmallWorlds Blogger
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
All SW Ranks
Enjoy everyone,
Social Status:
Level 1: SmallWorlds Citizen
Level 10: Minor Celebrity
Level 20: Major Celebrity
Level 30: SmallWorlds Duke/Duchess
Level 40: SmallWorlds King/Queen
Level 50: SmallWorlds Emperor/Empress
Level 1: Struggling Artist
Level 10: Junior Artist
Level 20: Up-and-coming Artist
Level 30: Respected Artist
Level 40: World Renown Artist
Level 50: Grand Master Artist
Level 1: Timid Explorer
Level 10: Brave Explorer
Level 20: Intrepid Explorer
Level 30: Fearless Explorer
Level 40: Exploration Master
Level 50: Indiana Jones
Level 1: Noob Gamer
Level 10: Experience Gamer
Level 20: Skilled Gamer
Level 30: Expert Gamer
Level 40: l33t Gamer
Level 50: Gaming God
Monday, January 5, 2009
World of SmallWorlds needs more writers!
Positions available:
-Event Writer "For a party or weddings etc"
-Mission Writer "Write about popular missions and tips and tricks on them"
-Extra Writer "Fill in when needed and help us make the blog even better"
To apply for these jobs please post here or contact me in game.
You will not get payed but I am a nice person when it comes to tokens *wink wink* You also get the satisfaction that you helped contribute and bring information to SmallWorlds fans from all over the world.
-SW Name:
-Game experience:
-Position Apllying for:
-How long have you played SW?
-Why should you get this position and what can you contribute? (Paragraph format)
Good luck and I hope I get some responses.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Arcade Game of the Month
Woah sorry it took me so long to get this out, just have a lot of things going on in life. But I am glad to get out the first post of the year. By the way happy new year everyone and I hope your new year’s resolutions work out :P Back on topic! This month’s AGM (Arcade Game of the Month) is “Asteroids”. Another classic game that has been around forever but still a fun game to play. Here is a little info on the game before I go into my detailed lecture XD
Game play: Another basic game “Z” to shoot “Arrow Keys” to move. The objective is to..well..shoot the asteroids :P After a while it can get a little repetitive and honestly it’s not really my game but somehow people seem to get ridiculously high scores. How high you ask? Up in the 400 to 500 thousands. I have no idea how they do that seeing as though I can only make it to about 10 thousand. The game play is fun and addicting but after awhile become boring. But the point of making the "Arcade Game of the Month" is to present games that people might not try or be interested in and spark an interest in people for the games inside of the game. After you shoot a regular asteroid it breaks apart into medium size asteroids, after you shoot it again it breaks up into a bunch of smaller asteroids. Eventually they will break and be gone for the rest of the round. After you have destroyed all the asteroids it will start a new round with more asteroids and ships.

Why play it? Like Blox this is a great way to make some extra tokens, that is if you can beat the regular top three scores around 400 to 500 thousand. Besides making some extra mula it's a great way to burn some time and let off some stress. It might not be every ones game but you will never know if you like it if you don’t try it.
So go out and try a new game. You might find one you really like and become a pro at it. You never know till you try. Untill next month,

SmallWorlds Blogger